Western NY Welcome Center

Western New York Welcome Center

Counties Served

1999 Alvin Road
Exit 19 off I-190
Grand Island, NY 14072
United States


The Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired Western New York Welcome Center represents the gateway to world-class destinations and historic sites in the Western New York region.

The Welcome Center includes a Taste NY Market offering an array of New York grown products. It will showcase a broad selection of fresh made breakfast and lunch items, including soups, salads, sandwiches and desserts using ingredients sourced from Western New York growers and producers. It will also offer grab-and-go snacks, craft beverages and specialty local items for sale.

Open 24 hours a day, the Welcome Center features a community room, an I LOVE NY "selfie wall," an historic artifacts display, a floor map of regional attractions, vending machines and café style seating with tables that will provide an enhanced visitor experience.

The grounds surrounding the Welcome Center includes a children's play area with a Great Lakes shipwreck theme, an I LOVE NY sculpture, electric vehicle charging stations, a motorcycle shelter, pet comfort area, and parking spaces for cars, buses/RVs, and trucks.

The Welcome Center is operated by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County.

Products Offered

Taste NY partners with over 1,800 New York State farmers and producers. Products offered in our Markets are rotated on a regular basis and subject to change. Below are examples of products that have been offered at this location, but please contact the Market operator for most current offerings.

ProducerProcessing CityProducts
12 Gates Brewing CompanyWilliamsvillebeer
42 North BrewingEast Aurorabeer and hard seltzers
Alpine MadeSouth Walesgoat milk soap and skin care products
Anchor BarBuffalowing sauces
Annie's Ginger ElixirBrooklynteas and elixirs
Arbor Hill® Grapery & WineryNaplesgrape gummies & twists
Aunt Ethel's Pot PiesBrooklynpot pies
Babcia PierogiBuffalopierogis
Barkeater Chocolates®North Creekchocolates, bark, hot cocoa
Bark's Bakery LLCLynbrookpet treats
Barrel + BrineBuffalopickles, kimchi, fermented foods
Battistoni MeatsBuffalopepperoni
Bear's FruitBrooklynprobiotic waters
Beth's Farm KitchenOld Chathamjellies, jams, chutneys
Big Ditch Brewing CompanyBuffalobeer
Birkett Mill, ThePenn Yanbuckwheat flour products
Bittner-Singer OrchardsAppletoncherries, peaches, plums
BjornQornKerhonksonsun-popped corn
Black Cat CaféSharon Springsfig drizzle, fig balsamic
BlackBird Cider WorksBarkerhard cider
Blackman Homestead FarmLockportfruit juices, fruit butters, jams, apples
Blue Barn CideryHiltoncider
Bootleg BuchaBuffalokombucha
Brooklyn BrittlePoughkeepsiecookie brittle
Brothers All NaturalRochesterdehydrated fruit crisps
Buffalo Brewing CompanyBuffalobeer
Charlie the ButcherCheektowagaroast beef for deli
Cheeky Monkey FoodsSyracusegarlic tomato sauces
Chef's RestaurantBuffalopasta sauces
Chenez's PopcornLockportpopcorn
Chiavetta's CateringBrantbbq sauce
Clarksburg CiderLancastercider
Community Beer WorksBuffalobeer
Damn Good FoodsStillwaterbeef jerky
Darious Snack Co.Cutchoquedate snacks
Dark Forest ChocolatesLancasterchocolate bars
DiCamillo BakeryNiagara Fallsbreads and baked goods
Dick & Jenny'sGrand Islandsandwiches, salads, dessert bars
Eden Valley CreameryEdencheese
Effervescence SkincareTonawandanatural skincare supplies
Ellicottville Brewing Co.Ellicottvillebeer
Emmi FarmsLysanderproduce (seasonal)
Emmy's OrganicsIthacacookies, brownies, mixes
Erdle FarmSilver Creekseedless grapes (seasonal)
Farm SteadyBrooklynbaking kits, food fermentation kits, cheese making kits
Farmer GroundTrumansburgflours
Fat Crow GourmetTroyrubs and spices
Finger Lakes HarvestGenevaproduce
Five & 20 Spirits & BrewingWestfieldbeer
Flying Bison Brewing CompanyBuffalobeer
ForevergreensSpringvilleholiday trees and cuttings
Four Legs TreatsOrchard Parkdog treats
Four Mile BrewingOleanbeer
Fresh Fizz SodasBrooklynsoda pop
Fresh From The HeartLong Island Cityvegan, gluten free cookies
Fulkerson WineryDundeegrape juice
Ganci's Famous BarBQue SauceDepewbbq sauce
Genesee BreweryRochesterbeer
Grand Island Candle CoGrand Islandcandles
Greek Goddess ProductsDerbyseasonings and salad dressing
Green MustacheBrooklynplant-based "cheese" crackers
Hamburg Brewing Co.Hamburgbeer
The Hampton GrocerCalvertongranola
Harney & Sons Fine TeasMillertonteas
Hawthorne Valley FarmGhentfermented foods
Healthy Gourmet KitchenGlenvillesoup mixes and spices
Herb'N Garden FarmsGrand Islandlettuce and tomatoes
Holy Cow Big CookiesHiltoncookies
Honey Sweet JamKenmorejams and jellies
Horseshoe BrandRhinebeckhot sauces
Horton Scone House CompanyAmeniavegan, gluten free scones, oat bites, muffins
Ilio DiPaolo's Scholarship FundBlasdellpasta sauces
Issa's Pita ChipsBuffalopita bread
Ithaca Beer Co.Ithacabeer
Ithaca MilkInterlakenyogurt
It's NolaBrooklyngranola bites
JavameltsSmithtownflavored sugars
JECA Energy BarsCheektowagaenergy bars
Johnnie RyanNiagara Fallssoftdrinks
Jones Family FarmHerkimercream cheese
Josef's Artisan MeatsCanandaiguasausages, charcuterie, deli meats
JUST WaterQueensburywater
K2 Brothers BrewingRochesterbeer
Karma WaterPittsfordwater
KB White FarmConesusskin care and bath products
Kelly's Country StoreGrand Islandchocolates
Kimarbri's Natural Ginger DelightsYorktown Heights/Crotonginger juices (made in partnership with famers in the Hudson Valley)
Kriemhild Dairy FarmsHamiltonbutter
Kutik's Everything BeesOxfordhoney
La NovaBuffalopizza, wings, sauce
La Petite OccasionMahopaccaramels and toffee
Laughing Gull ChocolatesRochesterchocolates
Laurel's ButterBohemiahomemade nut butters
Lavenlair FarmWhitehalllavender products
Lewiston JelliesWest Senecajams and jellies
Lively Run DairyInterlakengoat cheeses
Llyod's Taco FactoryBuffalotaco sauce
Lori's Oatie BiscottiGetzvillebiscotti
LynOaken FarmsMedinaapples
M&M Pickles IncWilliamsvillepickles
Malczewski Butter LambBuffalobutter lambs
Martin's Handmade PretzelsMoirapretzels
McCullagh Coffee RoastersBuffalocoffee
McKenzie's Hard CiderNew Yorkcider
Merle Maple FarmAtticamaple products
Miller's FoodsLockporthorseradish and  cocktail sauces
Mojo's SauceNewark Valleyhot sauces
Moser MapleCroghanmaple syrup, etc.
Nat's NutsFairportgourmet roasted nuts
NaturaoWarnersaronia berry juices
Nettle Meadow Farm & Artisan CheeseLake Luzernenut butters
New York ChipsGainesvillepotato chips
Once Again Nut ButterNundanut butters, crackers, chocolate sauces
Original Pizza LogsNiagara Fallspizza logs, buffalo chicken logs
OrwashersRoslyn Heightsbagels, breads
Papa's Best BatchRed Hooknuts
Perfeito Foods (Winand Products)Auburnspices
Perry's Ice CreamAkronice cream
Plowbreak FarmBurdettproduce (seasonal)
Poor Richards FoodsPittsfordcornbread mix, large cookies
Pressure Drop BrewingBuffalobeer
Red Jacket OrchardsGenevafruit
Reeves FarmsBaldwinsvilleproduce (seasonal)
Resurgence Brewing Co.Buffalobeer
Rockerbox Spice Co.Scohariegarlic and onion powders
Rockstarters OrganicsIrvingtontoddler nutrition packets
Sage Family MapleWarsawmaple products
Sahlen's Premium MeatsBuffalohot dogs, sausages, deli meats
Sail Away Coffee Co.Deer Parknitro cold brew coffee
SallyeAnderBeaconinsect repellent,soaps, skin care products
Salvatore's Specialty FoodsHamburgpizza and wing sauces, pizza dough mix
Saranac® F.X. Matt Brewing Co.Uticabeer and sodas
Saratoga GarlicSaratoga Springsgarlic aioli
Saratoga® Spring WaterSaratoga Springswater
Sattva VidaNew Yorkenergy bites
Saucy Confections (Winosaurs™)East Syracusewine gummies
Seaway Trail HoneyRochesterhoney
Seema's NaturalsGrand Islandskin care and bath products
Singer Farm NaturalsAppletontart cherry and grape concentrates
Small Town CulturesKeenefermented foods
Southern Tier Brewing CoBuffalobeer
Steamworks Coffee RoastersLockportcoffee
Steelbound Brewery & DistillerySpringvillebeer
Stoltzfus Family DairyVernon Centercheese and yogurt
Stony Brook WholeheartedFoodsGenevaassorted seeds
Subtle TeaRonkonkomateas
Super CoffeeNew Yorkcoffee
Syracuse Salt CompanySyracusesalt
TBC, The Basket CompanyJamestownchocolates, candies
Ted's Hot DogsBuffalosauces
Thin Man BreweryBuffalocraft beer
Three Heads BrewingRochesterbeer
Toonie Moonie OrganicsOneontamarshmallow crème
Top SeedzCheektowagaseed crackers
Triphammer BierworksFairportbeer
Truffleist, TheLong Island Citytruffle products
Upstate FarmsWest Senecamilk
Wardynski & SonsBuffalohot dogs, filled hot dogs, polish sausage, meats
Weber's MustardBuffalohorseradish mustard, yellow mustard
Woodcock Brothers BreweryNorth Tonawandabeer
Yancey's FancyCorfucheese
Young Lion BrewingCanandaiguabeer

Store Hours

Hours of Operation: 

June 1 - August 31: 9am-7pm (Daily)


Seasonal Hours of Operation: 

September 1 - May 31: 9am-6pm (Daily)


Holiday Reduced Hours: 

Christmas Eve: 9am - 4pm
Thanksgiving: 9am-4pm


Holiday Closures: Christmas Day

Connect With Us

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